Sunday, January 5, 2014

Final Day

As I write this our children and grandchildren are flying home. Ken and I are staying an extra day just to download the memories of our time celebrating our 50th anniversary with everyone in Israel. Words will never be able to express our joy we experienced these last ten days. We have planned and thought about this trip for the last year and a half, everything we dreamed about came true. We know we have created memories to last a lifetime and we pray lives that will be changed because of a deeper understanding of God's epicenter, Israel.
Here are just a few pictures from the last day, as usual, it began early and was packed full of history and inspiration.

We ended our touring at a Falafal Shop, which Boaz says is the best in Jerusalem, we agreed.
Back to the hotel for final preparations for the trip home.

Our last meeting time together, we each thought of a "word of the trip" to share with each other. It was amazing the one word each person came up with to describe their experience, they then talked about why they choose that word. 
Bethel has been an important part in the life of our family, We wanted to honor Bethel as a token of our appreciation. So our anniversary gift, was a gift to the seminary, It is gratifying to see how they are committed to the training of people to share the gospel of Jesus to others.

Our final dinner was together at the hotel, their service has been great, Brian, Brennan and Chris, are gluten free,The chef would come out each night and let them know what they could eat. We had some happy people!

Those that weren't gluten free, were happy too!

As the bus pulled away, we couldn't have been prouder of every person there. Each have enriched our lives and we will be forever grateful for this journey to the Land of Israel. 
Barb and Ken Larson

Next to the last day

I am sorry I did not post anything last night, it was an exciting day and did not end until about 11:00 in the evening.
Our day started with a bus ride to the low hills of Israel, this is in the low hills of the Shafalla (I know this spelling is wrong). This area was the first line of defense from any invaders at the time of King Hezekiah They were being attacked by the Assyrians, the Assyrians were able to break through and march towards Jerusalem.   
We visited a tell that was in the Shafalla. The kids and adults had fun finding all the pottery shards scattered all over the ground.
Our next stop was along hike to view the sight where David and Goliath fought their battle against each other, Boaz told us it was more then a fight against two individuals, but a fight between God and the gods Goliath worshipped.

After hiking down, Ken read the whole story of David and Goliath, it was amazing to be standing in the very spot where that battle took place. We all collected a smooth stone from the riverbed. As Boaz says, stones are eternal, perhaps we picked up one those very stones!
The next pictures, are of the two sides of the battle, the Israelites were on one side and the Philistines were on the other.
Next was a fun activity for some. They found a cave that perhaps Daivid used a he fled from Saul. It was very narrow and to tunnel through you had to crawl on your belly. It is called spelunking. Not everyone did it, but those we did loved it!
Next another lunch. It consists of pita, humus, pickles, tuna, tomatoes and cucumbers. We ate at a park near the caves.

Next a drive to the Herodium, it was built by Herod and is perhaps it is the most beautiful structure he built. It is a gorgeous palace and this is where he was buried. It is a long steep hike up to the palace, but well worth it. 
While up there the kids meet some soldiers and had their picture taken.

After hiking down, we ended our day with a view from the other side of Jersalem, looking at the old city.
Above, picture of Ken and I with the grand kids.

Now for the most exciting part of the day. As you know, the purpose of the trip was the celebration of our 50th anniversary. It still amazes us that everyone could go. We arranged with the hotel for a private room where we could renew our vows. When we got to the room our kids had ordered 50 beautiful roses, the table was set with two beautiful candle holders, which were a gift from David and Sandy. We started out with Boaz, he gave us a gift of Jesus washing Peter's feet, made in Bethlehem, olive wood. Ken and I then told our faith stories, what a priveledge to share our journey with them. It was now time to renew our vows, David gave a wonderful message and challenge to us. 
I will share some pictures from that time.

Ale dine, read scripture and Silas presented to us a Bible, as a gift from everyone.
We sang tow songs, "Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus and Rock of Ages." 
Now for our vows, it was perhaps one of the most thrilling moments in our lifetime, to renew our vows before our children, grandchildren and friends.
Now it was our turn to bless each of our famines. It is an Old Testament tradition to bless your children. We had bought a small cross for each of them and we called each family up and gave the blessing, "May The Lord bless you and keep you, may The Lord make his face to shine upon you and give you peace." We then anointed each family member with oil and made the sign of the cross on their forehead. We started with Kenny and his family, Brian and his family, Chris with his family, Michael and his family, Elizabeth and her family and Greg and Alexis.

After the blessing our kids gave a wonderful gift of five different ancient oil lamps form each of the different era's. We were amazed with the gift, we will display it in a special place in our home.

Well no celebration in Jewish culture is not complete without festive dance. They even put me on the chair and hoisted me up as they danced around, it was so much fun!
What a special, sacred, and fun night!

As we got to our room, we could only say, thank you God for such a special night and 50 years of marriage. 
We used Psalm 78, a beautiful affirmation of what we were trying to convey to our family.